python pandas to_sql with sqlalchemy : how to speed up exporting to MS SQL?

I recently had the same problem and feel like to add an answer to this for others.
to_sql seems to send an INSERT query for every row which makes it really slow. But since 0.24.0 there is a method parameter in pandas.to_sql() where you can define your own insertion function or just use method='multi' to tell pandas to pass multiple rows in a single INSERT query, which makes it a lot faster.

Note that your Database may has a parameter limit. In that case you also have to define a chunksize.

So the solution should simply look like to this:

my_data_frame.to_sql(TableName, engine, chunksize=<yourParameterLimit>, method='multi')

If you do not know your database parameter limit, just try it without the chunksize parameter. It will run or give you an error telling you your limit.

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