Rails Object Relationships and JSON Rendering

By default you’ll only get the JSON that represents modelb in your example above. But, you can tell Rails to include the other related objects as well:

def export
  @export_data = ModelA.find(params[:id])
  respond_to do |format|
    format.json { render :json => @export_data.to_json(:include => :modelb) }

You can even tell it to exclude certain fields if you don’t want to see them in the export:

render :json => @export_data.to_json(:include => { :modelb => { :except => [:created_at, updated_at]}})

Or, include only certain fields:

render :json => @export_data.to_json(:include => { :modelb => { :only => :name }})

And you can nest those as deeply as you need (let’s say that ModelB also has_many ModelC):

render :json => @export_data.to_json(:include => { :modelb => { :include => :modelc }})

If you want to include multiple child model associations, you can do the following:

render :json => @export_data.to_json(include: [:modelA, :modelB, :modelN...])

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