String-interning at compiletime for profiling

Identical literal strings are not guaranty to be identical, but you can build type from it which can compare identical (without comparing string), something like:

// Sequence of char
template <char...Cs> struct char_sequence
    template <char C> using push_back = char_sequence<Cs..., C>;

// Remove all chars from char_sequence from '\0'
template <typename, char...> struct strip_sequence;

template <char...Cs>
struct strip_sequence<char_sequence<>, Cs...>
    using type = char_sequence<Cs...>;

template <char...Cs, char...Cs2>
struct strip_sequence<char_sequence<'\0', Cs...>, Cs2...>
    using type = char_sequence<Cs2...>;

template <char...Cs, char C, char...Cs2>
struct strip_sequence<char_sequence<C, Cs...>, Cs2...>
    using type = typename strip_sequence<char_sequence<Cs...>, Cs2..., C>::type;

// struct to create a aligned char array
template <typename chars> struct static_string;

template <char...Cs>
struct static_string<char_sequence<Cs...>>
    static constexpr char str[sizeof...(Cs)] = {Cs...};

template <char...Cs>
char static_string<char_sequence<Cs...>>::str[sizeof...(Cs)];

// helper to get the i_th character (`\0` for out of bound)
template <std::size_t I, std::size_t N>
constexpr char at(const char (&a)[N]) { return I < N ? a[I] : '\0'; }

// helper to check if the c-string will not be truncated
template <std::size_t max_size, std::size_t N>
constexpr bool check_size(const char (&)[N])
    static_assert(N <= max_size, "string too long");
    return N <= max_size;

// Helper macros to build char_sequence from c-string
#define PUSH_BACK_8(S, I) \
    ::push_back<at<(I) + 0>(S)>::push_back<at<(I) + 1>(S)> \
    ::push_back<at<(I) + 2>(S)>::push_back<at<(I) + 3>(S)> \
    ::push_back<at<(I) + 4>(S)>::push_back<at<(I) + 5>(S)> \
    ::push_back<at<(I) + 6>(S)>::push_back<at<(I) + 7>(S)>

#define PUSH_BACK_32(S, I) \
        PUSH_BACK_8(S, (I) + 0) PUSH_BACK_8(S, (I) + 8) \
        PUSH_BACK_8(S, (I) + 16) PUSH_BACK_8(S, (I) + 24)

#define PUSH_BACK_128(S, I) \
    PUSH_BACK_32(S, (I) + 0) PUSH_BACK_32(S, (I) + 32) \
    PUSH_BACK_32(S, (I) + 64) PUSH_BACK_32(S, (I) + 96)

// Macro to create char_sequence from c-string (limited to 128 chars)
    strip_sequence<char_sequence<> \
    PUSH_BACK_128(S, 0) \
    >::type::template push_back<check_size<128>(S) ? '\0' : '\0'>

// Macro to return an static c-string
#define MAKE_STRING(S) \



would still return same pointer than you can compare directly.

You can modify your Macro MEASURE_SCOPE to include directly MAKE_STRING.

gcc has an extension to simplify MAKE_STRING:

template <typename CHAR, CHAR... cs>
const char* operator ""_c() { return static_string<cs...>{}::str; }

and then


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