Sum-subset with a fixed subset size

For k=4, space complexity O(n), time complexity O(n2 * log(n))

Sort the array. Starting from 2 smallest and 2 largest elements, calculate all lesser sums of 2 elements (a[i] + a[j]) in the non-decreasing order and all greater sums of 2 elements (a[k] + a[l]) in the non-increasing order. Increase lesser sum if total sum is less than zero, decrease greater one if total sum is greater than zero, stop when total sum is zero (success) or a[i] + a[j] > a[k] + a[l] (failure).

The trick is to iterate through all the indexes i and j in such a way, that (a[i] + a[j]) will never decrease. And for k and l, (a[k] + a[l]) should never increase. A priority queue helps to do this:

  1. Put key=(a[i] + a[j]), value=(i = 0, j = 1) to priority queue.
  2. Pop (sum, i, j) from priority queue.
  3. Use sum in the above algorithm.
  4. Put (a[i+1] + a[j]), i+1, j and (a[i] + a[j+1]), i, j+1 to priority queue only if these elements were not already used. To keep track of used elements, maintain an array of maximal used ‘j’ for each ‘i’. It is enough to use only values for ‘j’, that are greater, than ‘i’.
  5. Continue from step 2.

For k>4

If space complexity is limited to O(n), I cannot find anything better, than use brute force for k-4 values and the above algorithm for the remaining 4 values. Time complexity O(n(k-2) * log(n)).

For very large k integer linear programming may give some improvement.


If n is very large (on the same order as maximum integer value), it is possible to implement O(1) priority queue, improving complexities to O(n2) and O(n(k-2)).

If n >= k * INT_MAX, different algorithm with O(n) space complexity is possible. Precalculate a bitset for all possible sums of k/2 values. And use it to check sums of other k/2 values. Time complexity is O(n(ceil(k/2))).

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