VariableDeclarationFragment node resolveBindind() returns null in eclipse/jdt/ast

This happens because of the following from the setResolveBindings docs: Binding information is obtained from the Java model. This means that the compilation unit must be located relative to the Java model. This happens automatically when the source code comes from either setSource(ICompilationUnit) or setSource(IClassFile). When source is supplied by setSource(char[]), the location must be … Read more

What’s the difference between parse trees and abstract syntax trees (ASTs)?

This is based on the Expression Evaluator grammar by Terrence Parr. The grammar for this example: grammar Expr002; options { output=AST; ASTLabelType=CommonTree; // type of $stat.tree ref etc… } prog : ( stat )+ ; stat : expr NEWLINE -> expr | ID ‘=’ expr NEWLINE -> ^(‘=’ ID expr) | NEWLINE -> ; expr … Read more

Malformed String ValueError ast.literal_eval() with String representation of Tuple

ast.literal_eval (located in parses the tree with ast.parse first, then it evaluates the code with quite an ugly recursive function, interpreting the parse tree elements and replacing them with their literal equivalents. Unfortunately the code is not at all expandable, so to add Decimal to the code you need to copy all the code … Read more