All factors of a given number

In Ruby, the prime library gives you the factorization: require ‘prime’ 4800.prime_division #=> [[2, 6], [3, 1], [5, 2]] To get that list of yours, you take the cartesian product of the possible powers: require ‘prime’ def factors_of(number) primes, powers = number.prime_division.transpose exponents ={|i| (0..i).to_a} divisors = exponents.shift.product(*exponents).map do |powers|{|prime, power| prime ** … Read more

Why is Insertion sort better than Quick sort for small list of elements?

Big-O Notation describes the limiting behavior when n is large, also known as asymptotic behavior. This is an approximation. (See Insertion sort is faster for small n because Quick Sort has extra overhead from the recursive function calls. Insertion sort is also more stable than Quick sort and requires less memory. This question describes … Read more