How to move columns in a MySQL table?

If empName is a VARCHAR(50) column: ALTER TABLE Employees MODIFY COLUMN empName VARCHAR(50) AFTER department; EDIT Per the comments, you can also do this: ALTER TABLE Employees CHANGE COLUMN empName empName VARCHAR(50) AFTER department; Note that the repetition of empName is deliberate. You have to tell MySQL that you want to keep the same column … Read more

Is it possible to alter a CSS stylesheet using JavaScript? (NOT the style of an object, but the stylesheet itself)

As of 2011 Yes you can, but you will be facing cross-browser compatibility issues: As of 2016 Browser support has improved a lot (every browser is supported, including IE9+). The insertRule() method allows dynamic addition of rules to a stylesheet. With deleteRule(), you can remove existing rules from a stylesheet. Rules within a stylesheet … Read more