Make comments of VSCode start at column position 0

Here is a later and better way to do it: It is a little tricky, but test this out. You need a macro extension like multi-command. In your keybindings.json: { // disable ctrl+/ for js/php files only “key”: “ctrl+/”, “command”: “-editor.action.commentLine”, “when”: “editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly && resourceExtname =~ /\\.(js$|php)/” }, { // call the … Read more

Removing all types of comments in java file

You can remove all single- or multi-line block comments (but not line comments with //) by searching for the following regular expression in your project(s)/file(s) and replacing by $1: ^([^”\r\n]*?(?:(?<=’)”[^”\r\n]*?|(?<!’)”[^”\r\n]*?”[^”\r\n]*?)*?)(?<!/)/\*[^\*]*(?:\*+[^/][^\*]*)*?\*+/ It’s possible that you have to execute it more than once. This regular expression avoids the following pitfalls: Code between two comments /* Comment 1 … Read more