Group array of object nesting some of the keys with specific names

This can be done with a clever combinartion of and _.groupBy. const items = [ { tab: ‘Results’, section: ‘2017’, title: ‘Full year Results’, description: ‘Something here’, }, { tab: ‘Results’, section: ‘2017’, title: ‘Half year Results’, description: ‘Something here’, }, { tab: ‘Reports’, section: ‘Marketing’, title: ‘First Report’, description: ‘Something here’, } ]; … Read more

Margin on child element moves parent element

Found an alternative at Child elements with margins within DIVs You can also add: .parent { overflow: auto; } or: .parent { overflow: hidden; } This prevents the margins to collapse. Border and padding do the same. Hence, you can also use the following to prevent a top-margin collapse: .parent { padding-top: 1px; margin-top: -1px; … Read more

Create a list of names whose height is higher than 160 – Explanation on nested dicts cycling [closed]

As you are dealing with dict, you can leverage the items() method to loop through it. Here is an explicit code on how to do so: patients_dict = {“Anna”: {‘age’:16, ‘height’:165, ‘weight’:65}, “Barbara” : {‘age’:100, ‘height’:120, ‘weight’:40}, “Carlo” : {‘age’:36, ‘height’:150, ‘weight’:60}, “Dende” : {‘age’:27, ‘height’:183, ‘weight’:83}} tall_patients = [] for patient, infos in patients_dict.items(): … Read more