Fastest primality test

The only deterministic, polynomial-time algorithm for primality testing I know of is the AKS primality test ( However, there are a lot of very good randomized primality tests that are fast and have extremely good probability of success. They usually work by finding whether the number is composite with exponentially good probability, so they’ll either … Read more

Nth Combination

Note you can generate the sequence by recursively generating all combinations with the first element, then all combinations without. In both recursive cases, you drop the first element to get all combinations from n-1 elements. In Python: def combination(l, r): if r == 0: yield [] elif len(l) == r: yield l else: for c … Read more

How to pick an item by its probability?

Generate a uniformly distributed random number. Iterate through your list until the cumulative probability of the visited elements is greater than the random number Sample code: double p = Math.random(); double cumulativeProbability = 0.0; for (Item item : items) { cumulativeProbability += item.probability(); if (p <= cumulativeProbability) { return item; } }

Cosmic Rays: what is the probability they will affect a program?

From Wikipedia: Studies by IBM in the 1990s suggest that computers typically experience about one cosmic-ray-induced error per 256 megabytes of RAM per month.[15] This means a probability of 3.7 × 10-9 per byte per month, or 1.4 × 10-15 per byte per second. If your program runs for 1 minute and occupies 20 MB … Read more