What does “semantically correct” mean?

Labeling correctly It means that you’re calling something what it actually is. The classic example is that if something is a table, it should contain rows and columns of data. To use that for layout is semantically incorrect – you’re saying “this is a table” when it’s not. Another example: a list (<ul> or <ol>) … Read more

What do you call these? [array][string][int]

Don Cruickshank’s helpful answer provides one piece of the puzzle, but let me try give a comprehensive overview: By itself, a [<fullTypeNameOrTypeAccelerator>] expression is a type literal, i.e. a reference to a .NET type in the form of a System.Reflection.TypeInfo instance, which is rich source of reflection on the type it represents. <fullTypeNameOrTypeAccelerator> can be … Read more

What is the pwa-node type launch configuration on VSCode?

The type attribute The type attribute specifies the type of debugger to use for this launch configuration. Every installed debug extension introduces a type: node for the built-in Node debugger, for example, or php and go for the PHP and Go extensions. type : pwa-node Javascript Debugger is a built-in extension for debugging in VS … Read more