Difference between user-level and kernel-supported threads?

Edit: The question was a little confusing, so I’m answering it two different ways. OS-level threads vs Green Threads For clarity, I usually say “OS-level threads” or “native threads” instead of “Kernel-level threads” (which I confused with “kernel threads” in my original answer below.) OS-level threads are created and managed by the OS. Most languages … Read more

What is a scalar Object in C++?

Short version: Types in C++ are: Object types: scalars, arrays, classes, unions Reference types Function types (Member types) [see below] void Long version Object types Scalars arithmetic (integral, float) pointers: T * for any type T enum pointer-to-member nullptr_t Arrays: T[] or T[N] for any complete, non-reference type T Classes: class Foo or struct Bar … Read more

async await performance?

Yes, in theory. Not normally, in the real world. In the common case, async is used for I/O-bound operations, and the overhead of thread management is undetectable in comparison to them. Most of the time, asynchronous operations either take a very long time (compared to thread management) or are already completed (e.g., a cache). Note … Read more

Calling base class overridden function from base class method

Unfortunately, no As i’m sure you’re aware, but I’ll state explicitly for completeness – there are only the 2 keywords to control the method invocation: this – this.method() – looks for method starting from the invoking instance’s class (the instance’s “top” virtual table – implied default) super – super.method() – looks for method starting from … Read more

Recovering built-in methods that have been overwritten

var iframe = document.createElement(“iframe”); document.documentElement.appendChild(iframe); var _window = iframe.contentWindow; String.prototype.split = _window.String.prototype.split; document.documentElement.removeChild(iframe); Use iframes to recover methods from host objects. Note there are traps with this method. “foo”.split(“”) instanceof Array // false “foo”.split(“”) instanceof _window.Array // true The best way to fix this is to not use instanceof, ever. Also note that var _split … Read more