Three.js: What Is The Exact Difference Between Lambert and Phong?

Shane, it’s not your fault that you’re confused.

Lambert is an illumination model (with a physical basis) for the light reflected off a surface, expressed in terms of the incoming illumination’s direction with respect to the surface normal at the point of incidence.

Phong is a more nuanced shading model (albeit a more hacky one) which says that light is composed of ambient + diffuse + specular components. It treats the ambient component as constant everywhere (hack!), the diffuse component using the Lambertian model above, and the specular component using a power-law falloff (which is a clever hack, roughly approximating actual BRDFs).

The word “Phong” is also an interpolation method (when used in the context of modern triangle-based rendering pipelines). When computing the illumination at a pixel in the interior of a triangle, you have two choices:

  1. Gouraud shading: Compute the color at the three vertices and interpolate in the interior, using barycentric coordinates, or

  2. Phong shading: Using the normal at the three vertices, interpolate the normal in the interior and compute the shading using this interpolated normal at each pixel.

This is why (as @RayToal pointed out), if your specular “highlight” falls in the interior of a triangle, none of the vertices will be bright, but Phong shading will interpolate the normal and there will be a bright spot in the interior of your rendered triangle.

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