Timeout a function in PHP

It depends on your implementation. 99% of the functions in PHP are blocking. Meaning processing will not continue until the current function has completed. However, if the function contains a loop you can add in your own code to interrupt the loop after a certain condition has been met.

Something like this:

foreach ($array as $value) {

function perform_task($value) {
  $start_time = time();

  while(true) {
    if ((time() - $start_time) > 300) {
      return false; // timeout, function took longer than 300 seconds
    // Other processing

Another example where interrupting the processing IS NOT possible:

foreach ($array as $value) {

function perform_task($value) {
    // preg_replace is a blocking function
    // There's no way to break out of it after a certain amount of time.
    return preg_replace('/pattern/', 'replace', $value);

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