Visual swing in Eclipse

Your options are:

  1. WindowBuilder Pro ( “WindowBuilder is a powerful and easy to use bi-directional Java GUI designer”, see also WindowBuilder Pro on

  2. Visual Swing for Eclipse – an editor that works directly with the .java source files. Notes:

    1. The update url on the front page is wrong (issue 115), should instead be:
    2. You have to untick “Group items by category” to be able to see the install.
    3. The original announcement of visual swing for eclipse.
    4. Crashed for me when opening a netbeans-generated swing file.
  3. Visual Editor from – someone’s own version, last updated 2010-08-29: “prelininary [sic] eclipse 3.6 (helios) version” (direct download: “These files are non official builds. So you use it on [sic] your own risk.”

  4. Use NetBeans instead

    1. Built-in GUI editor
    2. Uses an xml file as the source for gui design, performing a one-way conversion
    3. Adds its own libraries to your project to support GUI creation.
  5. Jigloo SWT/Swing GUI Builder for Eclipse and WebSphereNote: Jigloo is free for non-commercial use, but purchase of a Professional License is required for commercial use (after successfully evaluating Jigloo).

Options no longer viable / available:

This is a summary of all the other answers to this question as it took me a while to make sense of them.

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