Why results of map() and list comprehension are different? [duplicate]

They are different, because the value of i in both the generator expression and the list comp are evaluated lazily, i.e. when the anonymous functions are invoked in f.
By that time, i is bound to the last value if t, which is -1.

So basically, this is what the list comprehension does (likewise for the genexp):

x = []
i = 1 # 1. from t
x.append(lambda: i)
i = -1 # 2. from t
x.append(lambda: i)

Now the lambdas carry around a closure that references i, but i is bound to -1 in both cases, because that is the last value it was assigned to.

If you want to make sure that the lambda receives the current value of i, do

f(*[lambda u=i: u for i in t])

This way, you force the evaluation of i at the time the closure is created.

Edit: There is one difference between generator expressions and list comprehensions: the latter leak the loop variable into the surrounding scope.

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