How does Eclipse actually run Junit tests?

To answer your problem first, if you have a discrepancy between the Ant junit and Eclipse JUnit, it’s probably a classpath or environmental problem. The easiest way is to find a test that performs differently between the two and print out the System properties, and work at it from that direction. Another thing to try would be to run the ant scripts from within Eclipse, to see if this makes any difference (because the environment will change)

Eclipse does not use Ant to run the tests.

As for how Eclipse runs JUnit tests, here is a quick overview. Be warned: there is some deep magic in the Eclipse JUnit plugin.

Eclipse has 4 JUnit plugins, which are all installed by default in most configurations:

  1. org.eclipse.jdt.junit: git://
  2. org.eclipse.jdt.junit.core: git://
  3. org.eclipse.jdt.junit.runtime: git://
  4. org.eclipse.jdt.junit4.runtime: git://

These are git mirrors of the actual CVS repositories. Last time I tried to use them, they didn’t compile, but they’ll give you the code and you can at least import the projects into Eclipse and look at them.

If we ignore the configuration pages, how the plugin creates run configurations, the code for the JUnit view itself and how it finds the relevant tests to run, we can concentrate on how it runs the tests.

The core classes are org.eclipse.jdt.junit.launcher.JUnitLaunchConfigurationDelegate and org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner. JUnitLaunchConfigurationDelegate reads the launch configuration and forks a JVM in which the tests will be run. The main class for this new JVM is RemoteTestRunner. The tests to be run are passed as parameters to the forked JVM, either as a single test or as a list of tests in a temporary file if you’re doing Run as JUnit on a project. If you’re debugging, this new JVM can be kept alive by checking the Keep alive when debugging checkbox in the run configuration. In this case, the JVM will stick around and reruns of existing tests will be sent via sockets.

RemoteTestRunner runs the tests and passes back the results via sockets to Eclipse, which then updates the JUnit view. The heart of this is org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit4.runner.JUnit4TestReference, which runs the test (for JUnit 4), and org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit4.runner.JUnit4TestListener, which is the RunListener for these tests. JUnit4TestListener extends RunListener, but doesn’t override testAssumptionFailure, which is probably why your tests are passing in Eclipse. RunListener.testAssumptionFailure is an empty method, it does nothing, so your notifications will be ignored.

I would start by cloning the git repos, importing the projects into Eclipse and trying to work through the code.

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