How to use microfrontends with Vue/Nuxt?

As of today, Nuxt2 is still using Webpack4 so ModuleFederationPlugin will not be a possible solution.
Nuxt v3 will come with Webpack’s v5 support and you’ll probably be able to try it then. I also heard that the same could be used with Vite btw.

As a general answer, you need to understand that a Microfrontend is not something simple to do. It is more about how you do structure your app in the larger scope.
It’s like having a micro-service on the backend: it can be done is multiple ways and it all depends of the needs of the company/team.

If you do create a Vue2 or Vue3 project with the Vue CLI, you’ll still have Webpack v4. You can probably try to make the upgrade yourself if planning to use ModuleFederationPlugin.

As an alternative, there is single-spa. This is a way of doing it (probably not the only one).
Here is a podcast show talking about the subject in depth:
It may be relevant to understand the general way this is working and also the pro/cons.

If you’re not satisfied with this approach, there are a lot of articles on the Web talking about Microfrontends and some Google-fu will be enough to give you an alternative way.

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