Nuxt.js vuex store not persisted

Alright, so the behavior is totally logic. Vuex is not supposed to be persistent.

For any persistence on the front-end, you need either:

  • cookies
  • localStorage
  • pass it in the URL (query params)
  • IndexedDB
  • get the data back from making a call to a backend

Some of the packages here may be useful:

If you reload your page with an F5, all your JS will be wiped and loaded again. Hence, no state will be kept since it will be a brand new page. When working with frontend frameworks, you cannot expect it to just work after a page refresh.

Same go when you do follow an href, it is an actual real navigation. What you need to do, is to use a <nuxt-link></nuxt-link> component, with something like to="/profile" to let VueJS move to this URL.

NuxtLink is a Nuxt.js component and essentially a component on top of <router-link></router-link>, which is Vue router.

TLDR: you cannot use things like window.location.href, nor <a href="...". You may use the given components by either Nuxt (nuxt-link) or Vue’s router (router-link), if you’re using VueJS only.

Giving a read to the Vue router’s documentation may be a good start to understand things a bit more !

If you’re using nuxt/auth, give a try to that one:

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