PostgreSQL jsonb, `?` and JDBC

As a workaround to avoid the ? operator, you could create a new operator doing exactly the same.

This is the code of the original operator:

  PROCEDURE = jsonb_exists,
  LEFTARG = jsonb,
  RIGHTARG = text,
  RESTRICT = contsel,
  JOIN = contjoinsel);

SELECT '{"a":1, "b":2}'::jsonb ? 'b'; -- true

Use a different name, without any conflicts, like #-# and create a new one:

  PROCEDURE = jsonb_exists,
  LEFTARG = jsonb,
  RIGHTARG = text,
  RESTRICT = contsel,
  JOIN = contjoinsel);

SELECT '{"a":1, "b":2}'::jsonb #-# 'b'; -- true

Use this new operator in your code and it should work.

Check pgAdmin -> pg_catalog -> Operators for all the operators that use a ? in the name.

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