What is iterator invalidation?

  1. Iterators are glorified pointers. Iterator invalidation is a lot like pointer invalidation; it means it suddenly points to junk data.

  2. Because it’s very natural but wrong to do things like this:

    for(iterator it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it) {
        // whoops, now map has been restructured and iterator 
        // still thinks itself is healthy
  3. Because that error right there? No compiler error, no warning, you lose. You just have to be trained well enough to watch for them and prevent them. Very insidious bugs if you don’t know what you’re doing. One of the design philosophies of C++ is speed over safety. The runtime check that would lead iterator invalidation to an exception instead of unspecified behavior is too expensive, in the view of C++ language designers.

You should be on high alert when you are iterating over a data structure and modifying structure itself, instead of merely the objects held in them. At that point you should probably run to the documentation and check whether the operation was illegal.

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