Arithmetic identities and EFLAGS

No, they’re not equivalent. For instance if rax = 1 and rcx = 3, then sub rax, rcx will set the carry flag, because you are subtracting a larger number from a smaller one. But in your second sequence of instructions, following add rax, temp, rax will contain -3 (i.e. 0xfffffffffffffffd), and adding 1 to -3 does not cause a carry. So after your second sequence of instructions, the carry flag would be cleared.

I do not know of any simple way to exactly emulate the behavior of sub including its effect on flags (other than by using cmp, but that’s cheating because it’s really just sub under the hood). In principle, you could write a long sequence of instructions that manually did all the same tests that sub does internally (referring to its precise description in the instruction set manual), and sets the flags at the end using sahf or popf of the like.

This would be a lot of work, especially if you are not going to use cmp, and I am not going to go through it for this answer. Especially because I also can’t think of any reason why one would need to do it, except as a fairly pointless exercise.

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